War Horse begins with a young Albert (Jeremy Irvine) witnessing the birth of a foal. It quickly develops as we see the foal progress in age from a handsome colt to a dazzling thoroughbred. At the appropriate age this horse is sold to Albert's family and this is where the story truly begins. Albert soon trains Joey (the horse) to be the family's indentured servant. As the training progresses so does the bond between Albert and Joey. That is until one day Joey is sold to the cavalry to cover debts accumulated by the farm. It is here that Joey stops being a work horse and becomes a war horse.
What makes War Horse different from any other war film, is that it's heart lies in an animal, not the people fighting the war. This is more about a journey through unfortunate circumstance and survival, than it is about conflicts between rival factions. We watch in awe and sometimes humor as Joey journeys across Europe during World War I. This film is littered with irony and adventure of epic proportions. This is a film that children and families alike can enjoy time and time again. Truly, Steven Spielberg has woven another tale that will live on in the hearts and memories of all who see it.
Rating: 5 (Maximum of 5) - A superb and emotional film that will leave you breathless.